Fellow Questers!
This is actually our very first official blogpost. And we couldn’t be writing it in a more exciting time. We are on our way to southern China. To the great region of Sichuan. To the bustling city of Chengdu, the luscious valley of Han Yuan and to the mystical misty mountains beyond.
Long have we tried to supply our pepper community with the incredible Sichuan Pepper we found in the village of QingXi, the very source of Sichuan pepper cultivation dating back more than 400 years. It is an amazing pepper. Unlike any other we have found on our quests. So floral, aromatic, full of intense flavor. So much flowery punch. It blows our mind away every time we use it. And yet after a lot of dedicated work we are not quite there yet. Still some steps to be taken. Some final touches before we can say that we do know exactly where our pepper is from and who has picked it. But if we succeed we might be the first in the whole world that can claim just that.
We will be here for 10 days visiting producers, exporters, markest, food stalls, restaurants, chefs and people of interest. We will be cooking food, trying new spices and tastes, drinking tea, going to feasts. We are here to learn, to eat and to explore. We will try to share as much as possible as we want you along on this culinary journey.
Join us here on our blog and our Instagram.
Let the quest begin!